Click "Begin a Submission" under the category of your choice below to submit an abstract.


Don’t miss out on a great opportunity to submit an abstract for the 49th Annual ONS Congress.

ONS is accepting abstracts in only the following categories:

  • Research
    • Please carefully review the definitions in the Research Abstract Subcategories section to ensure your abstract meets the Research definition before submitting.
  • Non-NCPD Industry Supported

During the submission process, you will also select a subcategory that best describes your abstract. If your abstract is accepted for a poster presentation, it will be grouped with other posters in the same subcategory.

  • Coordination of Care
  • End of Life
  • Oncology Nursing Practice
  • Patient Education and Safety
  • Professional Development
  • Psychosocial Dimensions of Care
  • Screening, Early Detection, and Genetic Risk
  • Survivorship
  • Symptom Management and Palliative Care
  • Treatment Modalities

Note: Research abstracts have unique subcategories, listed in the Information for Research Abstracts section below.

Selection of abstracts will be based solely on a blind peer review. Abstracts may be selected for oral presentation sessions or poster presentations and will be published in the March issue of the online Oncology Nursing Forum .

Note: Abstracts cannot be edited after the submission deadline and will be published as received. This includes changes in authors, presenters, or results. Pay close attention to spelling, grammar, names, and credentials.


  • Late-Breaking Abstract Submission Opens: Monday, December 11, 2023
  • Late-Breaking Abstract Submission Deadline: Thursday, January 11, 2024, 11:59 pm ET. No extensions are allowed.

Other Questions?
Please review the abstract FAQs for common questions. If your question is not answered on that form, please contact


    1. All abstracts must be submitted by the primary author.
    2. For abstracts with more than one author, the primary author will be the contact person and presenter. All communication will be sent to the primary author only. Changes to the contact person cannot be made after submission.
      Note: The abstract submission system allows a maximum of 6 authors. No additional authors can be added past the 6 authors.
    3. The title and authors must not be included in the body of the abstract. Any references that could identify the author/investigators by name or organization within the body of the text should be removed to allow for a blind peer review.
    4. The components of the abstract should be divided into the following sections to help authors ensure that all required information based upon the scoring criteria is included (See Abstract Scoring Criteria below.). Authors should write the abstract in a word processing system (e.g. Word) using this template. Save your document in your own files for future reference, then copy and paste the appropriate sections with the section headers into the abstract system. Please double check to ensure special characters are copied correctly. No edits can be made after submission and prior to publishing.
      1. Abstract Scoring Criteria Sections:
        1. Significance
        2. Purpose
        3. Interventions
        4. Evaluation
        5. Discussion
      2. In addition to the sections listed, reviewers will also score your submission on the Presentation and Innovation of the topic.
    5. The final abstract (body of abstract) must be no more than 385 words, including the Section Headers. Abstracts that contain more than the specified number of words will not be reviewed. We suggest checking the word count of your abstract in a word processing program prior to copying and pasting the abstract into the online submission form.
    6. Attaching a figure or table: You may include one image file with your abstract. The image file may include more than one figure, table or image. All figures or images in the file must have titles. Words in the image file are not included in the total character count. Images will not be included in publication.
    7. Submitting your abstract:
      1. The abstract cannot be submitted unless all required fields are completed.
      2. The abstract title should clearly indicate the nature of the subject. Acronyms should not be used in the title and should be written out on first mention.  A quantifiable objective must be submitted and the body of the abstract should be in paragraph form, using complete sentences, and avoiding special characters. Abstracts should include, no more than six authors' names (first and last names), credentials, and institution or place of employment’s name, city and state. Abstracts should have all funding sources written out completely if applicable.
      3. A quantifiable objective must be submitted and the body of the abstract should be in paragraph form, using complete sentences, and avoiding special characters. All funding sources should be written out completely, if applicable.
    8. The abstract must be approved for submission and presentation by the authors’ employing institution(s).
    9. No previously published or presented (aka encore) abstracts will be accepted. Secondary analyses/endpoints are acceptable. Previous ONS Congress abstracts are ineligible for resubmission as they have been previously published. All submissions will be reviewed for originality via iThenticate. Abstracts identified as previously published will be removed from consideration for this ONS Congress.
    10. Research in progress will be considered for e-Poster presentation only. Consider submitting abstract in late breaking call for abstracts (December 11, 2023 - January 11, 2024) if data isn't available for first abstract call.
    11. Data published in abstracts accepted are embargoed and may not be presented or published elsewhere until the conclusion of ONS Congress. Coverage and/or distribution of an abstract, poster, or any of its supplemental material to or by the news media, any commercial entity, or individuals, including the authors of said abstract, is strictly prohibited until the embargo is lifted.
    12. Authors retain copyright ownership of all original material submitted.
    13. Primary authors may decline acceptance or withdraw presentation of an abstract selection by emailing


    Primary authors must be either a registered nurse, a licensed healthcare professional from another discipline (physician, pharmacist, physical therapist, etc.), or a doctorally-prepared individual.

    For abstracts with more than one author, the primary author is the sole contact person and presenter. The primary author/contact person may not be changed and is the only person who can upload information if the abstract is accepted for poster or oral presentation.

    Abstracts submitted must be of the author's own completed work, work in progress, or work previously presented at the local or regional level. Abstracts may not be submitted that contain information that has been previously published or presented to national or international oncology nursing audiences.

    All primary abstract authors must complete the Presenter Agreement to meet the ONS NCPD Provider Unit requirements. This form is available in the submission system and includes the following.

    • Full Disclosure/Conflict of Interest
    • Financial relationships are relationships in which the individual benefits by receiving a salary, royalty, intellectual property rights, consulting fee, honoraria, ownership interest (e.g. stocks, stock options, or other ownership interest, excluding diversified mutual fund(s), or other financial benefit. Financial relationships can also include “contracted research” where the institution gets the grant and manages the funds and the individual is the principal or named investigator on the grant. Financial benefits are usually associated with roles such as employment, management position, independent contractor (including contracted research), consulting, speaking and teaching, membership on advisory committees or review panels, board membership, and other activities from which remuneration is received, or expected. A relevant financial relationship is any relationship in any amount occurring in the past 24 months (as of the date that the form is completed) that creates a conflict of interest.  There is a lot of press recently on commercial influence over continuing education in medicine and nursing.  It’s important to identify potential conflicts to the planning team as well as to the audience. Without this information, there is not full disclosure. Without full disclosure there is the implication there is information to hide and bias is inherent in hiding information.

    • Warranty & Indemnity
    • Warrant that you are the author of your presentation, that the presentation is original, except for such excerpts from copyrighted material included with the permission of the copyright owner and that you indemnify or release ONS against any and all liabilities, claims, or damages that would arise. You agree that the presentation is your own work, excerpts of copyright of materials are used with the expressed permission of the owner, presentation has not been developed as part of another presentation, and that it may be included within the ONS marketing materials.


    1. Upon receipt, the abstract will be reviewed for compliance with the abstract instructions and assigned a number to ensure anonymity.
    2. Three ONS member volunteers with the appropriate experience in leadership, management, education, clinical/evidence-based practice, advanced practice or research will blind review each abstract.
    3. Reviewers will use one of the following sets of scoring criteria, depending on the abstract’s content area. Each item is scored on a scale of 1-5 grading scale (1=not at all; 5=high).
    4. The conference planning team will rank order abstracts for presentation at the conference.



    The ONS Congress Research Track is a forum for disseminating current findings from rigorously conducted nursing research studies. Only those abstracts that meet the definition in the Research section below should be submitted in the Research track. Those meeting the Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) or Quality Improvement (QI) definitions should be submitted in Clinical Practice, Leadership, Management/Staff Education, Advanced Practice, Radiation, or Quality Improvement track. Please review the following differentiating criteria between Research, Evidence-Based Practice, and Quality Improvement:

    • Research: Generates new knowledge; hypothesis generating or hypothesis testing; a process of systematic inquiry, data collection, and analysis and interpretation of data that contribute to generalizable knowledge.
      Example: Comparing associations between DNA methylation and patient-reported outcomes among patients who do and do not engage in exercise while undergoing treatment for cancer.
    • Evidence-Based Practice: The utilization of scientific evidence (derived from research studies), patient preferences, and clinician expertise to optimize patient care.
      Example: Incorporating a previously tested exercise teaching sheet in the clinical setting for patients undergoing treatment for cancer.
    • Quality Improvement: Data-driven method to improve processes specific to an institution / organization.
      Example: Changing patient flow through clinical appointments for patients undergoing treatment for cancer to optimize time for providing exercise teaching sheets while maintaining daily numbers of patient visits.

    When submitting your Research abstract, you will be asked to select a subcategory to indicate the ONS Research Priority to which your abstract most closely aligns. The subcategories are:

    • Aging
    • Complex Research Designs and Advanced Methods
    • Data Science
    • Genetics / genomics / biosignatures
    • Healthcare Delivery
    • Health Equity
    • Survivorship and Palliative and Psychosocial Oncology Care
    • Symptom Science
    • Translation / Implementation Science

    Notably, some studies / projects may not be clearly delineated within one of these categories. If you are unsure of which track to submit your abstract to, please contact

    Carter EJ, Mastro K, Vose C, Rivera R, Larson EL. Clarifying the Conundrum: Evidence-Based Practice, Quality Improvement, or Research?: The Clinical Scholarship Continuum. J Nurs Adm. 2017 May;47(5):266-270. doi: 10.1097/NNA.0000000000000477. PMID: 28422932.


    Oral Abstracts

    Abstracts accepted for oral presentations will be scheduled with other presenters in a one-hour session grouped by related category. Speakers will have 15 minutes to present their abstract, which includes time for questions and answers. Only one person may present the oral presentation session. Additional presenters are not permitted. Primary authors of abstracts selected for an oral presentation will be asked to submit a PowerPoint presentation.

    Poster Abstracts

    The submitter’s prepared poster will display the process and outcome of a scientific or professional project. All presenters will submit their electronic poster directly to the poster system. No paper posters are allowed. Further directions and poster specifications will be provided after acceptance. Posters are available for viewing before, during, and after ONS Congress. Authors of accepted poster abstracts MUST be present at the assigned presentation monitor during their assigned session at the conference to allow for dialog with participants.


    Abstract scoring adapted (with permission) from the 2019 International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Research Rubric.

    Abstracts will be scored using a 1-5 ranking on the following criteria. View the complete research scoring rubric here.

    1 = Emerging; 2 = Developing; 3 = Good; 4 = Very Good; 5 = Excellent

    1. Title

      1. Does the title clearly convey the study design, variables and study population?
      2. Is the title fully relevant to oncology nursing science?
    2. Purpose and Problem Statement

      1. Is the purpose/problem statement fully clear?
    3. Significance

      1. Does the content fully address gaps and current literature to further oncology nursing science?
    4. Methods

      1. Is the study design, sampling methods, sample size, procedures, instruments, and data analysis fully appropriate and consistent with the purpose of the study?
    5. Findings and Interpretation

      1. The results or the salient findings are fully summarized, and the author(s) interpretation of the data is fully presented.
    6. Discussion and Implications

      1. Is discussion fully clear, logical and congruent with the study's purpose, methods, or findings?
      2. Do findings fully define implications for nursing science, patient outcomes, nursing practice, education, administration, leadership and/or policy making?
    7. Presentation

      1. Is the writing style fully scholarly and fully clear to the reader?
      2. Is the abstract free of spelling or grammatical errors, and does the author use appropriate wording?
    8. Innovation

      1. Is this a fully innovative approach (e.g., topic and/or methods)?
    9. Alignment with ONS Research Priorities

      1. Is the alignment with ONS Research Priorities clear?



    Industry-supported abstracts are identified as projects that the researcher or presenter are employees of a pharmaceutical or related company. Also, any project that has been solely funded or directed by a company would be considered industry supported. Projects that have received unrestricted grant funding in which the researcher or principal investigator maintained full control over the project would not be considered industry supported.

    Pharmaceutical company or industry employees may submit an abstract featuring their employer’s products or services if they fully disclose their employment and/or financial involvement. Abstract presentations may not be sales presentations and must not imply the Society’s endorsement of said products or services. The individual making the presentation must clarify this point during the presentation. All pharmaceutical or industry sponsored abstracts are strongly encouraged to address nursing role, implications for nursing research, or clinical practice.

    Researchers wishing to submit an abstract containing data related to a clinical pharmaceutical or industry trial conducted at their institution, must provide full disclosure of the presenter’s affiliation with the company, any financial gains (honoraria, travel reimbursement etc.) received, research support obtained, or involvement of the company in the research, as well as a complete list of all contributors (physicians, statisticians etc.) on the abstract submission. Failure to provide such disclosure will result in the automatic rejection of the abstract. The member is expected to add a nursing dimension to the existing clinical trial data to make such data interesting and applicable to the conference attendees.

    No NCPD will be awarded for these abstracts due to ANCC guidelines stating that content must be free of commercial influence.


    Poster Presentations

    The submitter’s prepared poster will display the process and outcome of a scientific or professional project. All presenters will submit their electronic poster directly to the poster system. Further directions and poster specifications will be provided after acceptance. Posters are available for viewing before, during, and after ONS Congress. Authors of accepted poster abstracts MUST be present at the assigned presentation monitor during their assigned session at the conference to allow for dialog with participants.


    Abstracts will be scored using a 1-5 ranking on the following seven criteria.
    Note: Criteria 6 and 7 should not be included in your abstract—these will be determined by the reviewers.

    1. Significance and Background

      1. Is the topic significant, important, or relevant to oncology nursing practice?
      2. Is unique role or contribution of nursing described?
      3. Is the background of the problem summarized?
    2. Purpose

      1. Does the purpose clearly describe the project or activity?
      2. Is the rationale for the topic logical and supported by the information presented?
    3. Interventions

      1. Does the intervention or practice describe how the purpose was accomplished?
      2. Are the interventions or practices described appropriately for the clinical topic?
      3. Are nursing-sensitive patient outcome interventions described if appropriate?
    4. Evaluation

      1. Are the project goals evaluated according to specific measures?
      2. Are the outcomes applicable to oncology nursing?
    5. Discussion

      1. Are the implications for oncology nursing practice identified?
      2. Are the suggestions for using the information included?
    6. Presentation

      1. Is the abstract well written?
      2. Are the ideas clearly communicated?
    7. Innovative

      1. Is this an innovative/cutting edge topic?



Submissions Open Monday, December 11, 2023.


Submissions Open Monday, December 11, 2023.